Wind energy is an excellent example of how renewable energy
production is not new in recent decades. On the contrary. People have been
using renewable energy sources such as wind, water, or biomass for centuries.
Simple forms of windmills were discovered in Persia and date back to around 200
BC. During the Middle Ages, wind energy was used intensively, for example in
the territory of today's Spain. The windmill system was improved in America, in
the 19th century, more than 6 million small windmill-based machines were used
to pump water. The first wind turbines to produce electricity were created in
Scotland in 1887. Significant wind electricity production took place in the
last century, mainly in Europe and the USA, while production technology was
constantly improving and streamlining.
The wind farm operates on the principle of converting wind
energy into electricity. The key part of the machine is the rotor. It rotates
at a height of 100 - 200 m using the wind and drives an electricity generator.
The rotor can have several shapes, but the most typical are propellers. The
efficiency of the wind power plant is max. 59.3% (currently achieving an
efficiency of around 34%). With technological progress, the output of wind
turbines also increases (up to 12 MW). Wind turbines are getting higher, and
the blade span can now reach up to 100 m. The wind speed also increases with
height, so the height of the tube is important. At an altitude of over 150 m,
the potential for wind electricity production in Slovakia is significantly
higher than at the time when the pilot project for the construction of VE was
launched in Slovakia. At that time, the turbines reached a height of about 80
If Slovakia wants to achieve the highest possible share of
RES in electricity production, it is important to combine photovoltaics and
wind energy, because they complement each other. When the sun shines there is
often no wind, and vice versa, when the wind blows, the sky is overcast.
In 2019, wind energy accounted for an average of 15% of
electricity production in the EU-28. In the case of the Slovak Republic, it is
not even 1%, which, together with Slovenia we have the smallest share of wind
energy in electricity production in the EU. However, Slovenia has a
geographically low wind energy potential, so it is no surprise that it is on
the tail end in this ranking. Like Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary
also have a share of 1% and 2%. In Poland, on the other hand, VE accounts for
9% and in Austria, it is as high as 13%. Of the V4 countries, Poland has the
most significant faith potential. Slovakia has similar weather conditions as
Austria, but it is far ahead of us in the construction of wind turbines. It is
therefore not true that wind energy has no future in our country. Our 0% share
of VE in electricity generation is probably for political rather than
geographical reasons.
Slovak energy policy has in the past provided for the
development of wind power plants. According to the National Energy Action Plan
for RES from 2010, 350 MW wind farms were to be installed by 2020. In 2020,
however, Slovakia has only 4 turbines installed with a total output of 3.14 MW.
There are currently 2 wind farms in operation - Myjava Wind Farm, Ostrý Vrch
(0.5 MW) and Cerová Wind Park (2.64 MW), both owned by the WEON Group. Together
they produce 6 GWh of electricity per year. The National Energy and Climate
Plan (INECP) declares an increase in output from VE to 500 MW by 2030, which
would represent approximately 1,200 GWh of energy per year. However, this plan
is likely to need to be stepped up in the context of the EU's targets based on
the Fit for 55 package of measures to combat climate change.
The development of wind energy in Slovakia must take place in a sustainable way so that we could effectively achieve
the goals of Slovak climate policy while minimizing the negative impact on the
environment and the country. You can read more about the sustainable
development of RES in Slovakia in our document Criteria for the Sustainability
of RES, on which SAPI worked within the Slovak Climate Initiative, of which we
are a member.
Myth: Wind energy is expensive
If the energy market were completely deregulated and there
was no system of subsidies and state financing, wind energy would be one of the
cheapest technologies for electricity generation. Subsidies for renewable
energy in Europe are only a fraction of the subsidies that go to coal, nuclear
or gas power plants. After the support for the producer of RES ends, it sells
electricity at market prices. It should be emphasized that the generation of
electricity from wind does not result in any waste in the form of radioactive
waste, exhaust gases or wastewater. Such operation is therefore significantly
more environmentally efficient and safer. This does not generate incidental
costs for the disposal of production waste.
Myth: The construction
of wind turbines hurts the local economy
Wind energy can
contribute to the development of the local economy in the form of local taxes
that the producer must pay. At the same time, if the future wind farm should
stand on private lands, such as a field, the landowner will agree with the
developer on a form of payment for the use of the land. Such a lease of land
for the construction and operation of a wind turbine (s) is advantageous for
the owner, as the wind farm does not take up a large area and the owner can
continue to use the land for agricultural purposes on the remaining land. While
this may sound surprising, wind turbines can have a positive effect on local
tourism. Especially in a country where wind turbines are more of a rarity.
Myth: There is no
interest in wind energy in Slovakia
According to a public
opinion poll commissioned by SAPI, 68% of Slovaks surveyed are in favor of
using wind energy in Slovakia. Only 8% of respondents oppose wind turbines.
This means that Slovaks see a greater future in wind power generation than in
fossil fuel power generation.
Myth: The wind
structure is disturbing, its appearance and especially its height aesthetically
disrupts the character of the landscape
The experience of the
inhabitants of Austria, where they have over a thousand wind turbines, is
definitely positive. According to local surveys, 2/3 of the residents living near wind turbines are satisfied and do not state that the
turbines would interfere with them or that they would otherwise negatively
affect the quality of life.
Myth: Infrasound
generated by wind turbines can have a negative impact on human health. Wind
turbines are noisy, their sound is disturbing.
Infrasound, ie the
sound spectrum in the very low frequency, which is below the threshold of human
hearing, are common in nature (wind, surf). Infrared sound is created by
buildings or appliances as in this respect, several studies have been carried
out, and adverse effects on the human body have not been proven.
Modern wind turbines,
despite their mast height (150m - 200m) are relatively quiet. Of course, in
high winds, noise is increased. The volume of operation of the wind turbine is
monitored and before the construction itself, several noise simulations are
performed, when the sound of the turbine is added to the natural and already
existing noise of the given environment. In Slovakia, we have strict noise
limits, and the wind project must pass an environmental and health impact
assessment, so it is not possible to create a wind farm that violates the
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